Soraya Arnelas turns 38 in her best professional moments

If there is a singer that makes us fall in love every time she picks up a microphone and starts singing, that is Soraya Arnelas . The artist has a professionalism within her that always shows that she gets on stage and does the best she knows how to do. And it is that this Sunday, the singer turns 38 and she does it with a smile from ear to ear, in one of the best moments of her life. Soraya is a very active woman in social networks and is always very attentive to her followers, telling them about her day to day and the things she does to keep in shape. The truth is that we have a lot to envy the singer, since at 38 years old she sports a slim figure, achieved by the personal care she has for herself.
She herself wanted to hang a photograph today, in which she shows her star look for her birthday celebration. She has chosen a green look, a dress that looks fabulous on her and as a hairstyle, she has chosen something casual and wavy. All this, with the following message: " Thank you very much everyone for your congratulations !!!! I feel very loved! 38 years into this September 13! In the end I have surrendered to emerald green, to green hope to receive this new stage Thank you all for sharing your day to day with me! We are a great team !! I LOVE YOU."