Blas Cantó, Soraya Arnelas, Natalie Horler and Kate Ryan in the FruitVegetablesEUROPE campaign

The singer Blas Cantó -representative of Spain in the Eurovision 2021 contest, which will host the city of Rotterdam (Holland) at the end of May-, along with Soraya Arnelas (participated in this contest in 2009), Natalie Horner (aspiring from Germany in 2013) and Kate Ryan (Belgium's choice in 2006 for the Festival), are the well-known faces that have shot in Guadalajara the promotional video of the campaign "CuTE-4You: Cultivating the Taste of Europe for You". The initiative, co-financed by the European Union (EU), will generate a whole social movement in favor of the consumption of European fruits and vegetables. FruitVegetablesEUROPE (EUCOFEL), which brings together more than 4,500 companies from the main European producing countries, wants to value the essential work of the sector carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic and, generate a movement of support to European farmers that promotes in turn, the consumption of fruit and vegetables produced within the European Union, compared to those imported from third countries, explained the president of the consortium, Juan Marín.