Soraya Arnelas discovers the nickname she has given her second daughter: "It's like a kitten"

Soraya Arnelas and Miguel Ángel Herrera are enjoying a new life stage. The singer and her fiancé repeated in parenthood at the end of October with . "Physically, she looks a lot like me, and he's going to have character, although it's still too early to be sure. And I also think she will be tall like her sister and her father ", the artist explained a few days ago in her first interview after giving birth, where we could see for the first time her followers had been waiting for that moment for a long time. Arnelas already informed that she of the house for what she lived after the birth of her first-born. "This time I'm going to do it more calmly because with this young lady who is here (Manuela) I taught her early and many of you said very ugly things, many," she reproached the behavior of the dreaded 'haters'.
"So you have to wait a bit. And I will teach it, of course, but I will do it my way and with my conditions ", she took her time and established a series of measures to avoid reliving this cumbersome episode. However, after starring in this beautiful report with Semana together with the two little girls, Soraya has been letting go more and more and Olivia is more present than ever in her feed . The same Wednesday that the heart magazine was available on newsstands, the former contestant of 'Operación Triunfo' hung one of the photographs of this photo session, where the newborn appears asleep in her arms. ### Soraya reveals Olivia's nickname and her fans draw her resemblance I was more awake in this Monday's post. "He observes us behind the bars of the crib and gives us a smile as if, with the month and few days that she has, she could see us," she documented the scene she was talking about with a couple of photographs. "I have no doubt that she knows us," was convinced the former representative of Spain in Eurovision, revealing the affectionate nickname that has given the girl: "I call him 'Olivia Miau', she is like a kitten" , she commented to her followers, who fell in love with the baby's charms. Soraya Arnelas knew who Olivia would look like before she was born "It is a copy to the sister. You got a super pretty one and you said: come on, I use the same mold ", a fan complimented both sisters. "She is nailed to her dad, precious" , they began to draw similarities in the comments of this post. "Precious, like her mommy and her sister" , there were those who, on the contrary, saw in her a 'miniSoraya'.